Summary Of Escape From The Western Diet By Michael Pollan

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Michael Pollan states in his article “Escape from the Western diet”, three simple rules to follow to obtain a healthy lifestyle, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants” (426). The food industry and medical community manipulate us to believe we are escaping the Western diet but to only find out that we are right back to where we started. Pollan provides some easy rules of thumb so that we aren’t caught up in the latest trends or diets but instead develop some eating boundaries that seem simple to follow on an everyday basis. Personally for me, following these rules can seem hard in some aspects but also easy in others because factors like role models when I was a kid, living situation and cooking skills effect my ability to follow the three …show more content…

The main reason why this rule comes easy to me is because of my Mom. Granted, she did force wheat grass juice down my throat as a kid, but along the way I required a taste for fruits and vegetables. As a kid, my Mom would always tell me, while I was upset over the fact I couldn’t eat sugary foods, that one day I will appreciate vegetables and her for making me eat it. I never thought the day would come, but it has. I actually really enjoy eating a bag of carrots while studying, or whipping up a quick salad for dinner. Pollans argument that its easier to focus on a food as a whole instead of the specific nutrient (426) is surprisingly true. I fell in the bandwagon to cut out all carbohydrates and was convinced that I would lose weight quickly. This fab diet only lasted about two days because it was way to hard for me to decipher which food contain carbohydrates and which ones don’t. Pollans rule of thumb makes dieting, turn into a change in lifestyle. Following Pollan’s three steps to escaping the Western diet all boils down to who you are and your background. For me, his rules are hard to follow with the exception of one due to past and my current situation I am in. When I read “Escape from the Western Diet”, I learned people should use these rules of thumbs but should also account for what works for their body. We would all love to have a simple solution to all of our dieting problems, but unfortunately in reality its much more complex then

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