What is Truly Yours: Private Property and How It Effects Individuals

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One of the most fundamental requirements of a capitalist economic system—and one of the most misunderstood concepts—is a strong system of property rights. A property right is the exclusive authority to determine how a resource is used, whether that resource is owned by government or by individuals. Private property rights, of course, make for the institution of commerce. If people trade goods and services, if they sell them, if they produce them, if they hoard them, if they save them, then they have to have some level of jurisdiction over them. (Encyclopedia of Philosophy) For example, the owner of an apartment with complete property rights to the apartment has the right to determine whether to rent it out and, if so, which tenant to rent to; to live in it himself; or to use it in any other peaceful way. That is the right to determine the use. If the owner rents out the apartment, he also has the right to all the rental income from the property. That is the right to the services of the resources (the rent). In addition, the owner of the property is allowed to determine the price at which he will sell his land, as long as someone is willing to pay the price asked. (Alchian) Moreover, private property rights are the baseline of gauging individual activity because they enable such action to occur. However, in some cases, individuals must take action to preserve the wellbeing of their property. For example, in 1996 John and Joesephine Bronczyk wanted the state of Minnesota to forbid outsiders to walk on their property, a property situated next to wetlands perceived to be “public waters.” The Bronczyks argued that either the state should exclude outsiders all together, or they should receive just compensation for their land being used... ... middle of paper ... ...plato.stanford.edu/entries/hobbes-moral/#EstSovAut>. 6. Machan, Tibor. "Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy." Right to Private Property []. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014. . 7. Marlowe, Ann . "“Civilization and Its Enemies” by Lee Harris." Saloncom RSS. Salon, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014. . 8. Meinzen-Dick, Ruth, and Monica Di Gregorio.COLLECTIVEACTION AND PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2004. Web. 9. Powell, Jim. "John Locke: Natural Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property." The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education. FEE, 1 Aug. 1996. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. . 10. Scott, Jim. Seeing like a state. New Haven: , 1998. Print.

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