What Role Did Priscilla Play In The Industrial Revolution

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In 1756, a British ship named the “Hare” set sail for Charleston, North Carolina carrying about 80 African slaves. There was a little girl named Priscilla who was 10 years old. She was taken through the Middle Passage along with many others. Many women were taken advantage of during this period of time by the male crew. Priscilla was on the boat for 10 weeks and saw 13 of her fellow African American people die and be thrown into the ocean. As the ship got closer to land, the slaves were forced to be covered in gunpowder and oil to hide their marks from being beaten. Once at Charleston, there were slave auctions almost everyday. When Priscilla was brought, she was brought by a rice grower. She was 1 out of 4,000 slaves the family had owned.

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