Essay On Why The Sniper Was Justified When He Killed

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Rainsfords, Montresor, Walter Palmer, and The Sniper all killed. The Sniper was most justified killing his enemy. Three reasons why are because the brother shot first, he didn’t know it was his brother, he didn’t want to die he was already shot,it was a war. This could have happened to anyone. It was sad when that happened. This is why Why The Sniper is justified for killing his brother The brother shot at him first. He didn't know it was his brother it was dark. There was smoke in the air. He could barely see across the way . His brother shot him in the arm. He didn’t want to be found dead up there in the morning. He had to find a way down, but he was shooting at him. He didn’t want to die. I know if anyone was in this situation they would

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