Effects of War in Families

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War affects everyone in the world. Everyone in the world knows someone who is in some branch of military. If you do not, war still affects the government and economy in an country where war is present. This paper will talk about the effects of war on the soldier that is overseas fighting. How war affects the children of that soldier fighting overseas. As well as how war affects the Parents of the soldier fighting overseas. War has a negative impact on all members of a military family including the soldier himself, his children and his parents.
Although everyone in a military family are affected by war, the soldier himself/herself is directly affected. Many soldiers who who come home with terrible injuries think that there will be no one to be there for the soldier when the soldier comes home, but this is not true because of a program called the Wounded Warrior Program(WWP) which provides the injured soldier and the soldier’s family with personal support to support them going back into war or back home (Sidran). The WWP is a great program because it not only supports the soldier himself but also the soldier’s family as they cope with the soldiers injury and learn how to keep the soldier positive as the soldier has to adapt back to everyday life, even though the soldier may have to do things different due to the soldier’s injury.
Children are affected in many ways in other countries other than the United States. There have been numerous amounts of children being kidnapped, and even being forced into becoming child soldiers in other countries (Culture). Having children fight in wars is a bad thing, it means that the country is running out of older, more mature people, to fight in the war so they are making children fight. Often chil...

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...ss and affect growth. Many children in areas of war suffer from malnutrition which can lead to more growth problems. The parents have elevated stress levels always worring about theit child and if they will make it home. Those stress levels are greater during times of war and even more so if the have more than one child enlisted. War impacts everyone in a military family.

Works Cited
Culture of Peace. International Day of Peace, n.d. Web. 6 Dec. 2013.
Lediaev, Luc. “Effects of War on Military Families.”LovetoKnow Family. LovetoKnow Corp., n.d. Web. 13 Jan 2014.
“Sidran Institute; Soldiers Learn about Change, Choice, and Redeveloping Trust After Trauma.” Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week. 11 Aug. 2007: 1087. eLibrary. Web. 05 Dec. 2013.
Zucchino, David. “A soldier’s story: War affects whole family.” boston.com. Globe Newspaper Company, 21 12 2008. Web. 13 Jan 2014.

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