What Makes The Great Gatsby Successful Or Stressful?

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"Stress should be a powerful driving force, not an obstacle,” says American author Stanley Johnson. I consider stress in that sense today, but just a little while back, it wasn’t so. A few months ago, I would mull over situations which weren’t even remotely demanding, unnecessarily stressing myself. Through my eBay business, I learned to effectively deal with situations that would otherwise seem insurmountable. Just one year ago, I had started my eBay business and growth was like the line at the DMV, painstakingly sluggish, but the same goes for new businesses in general. After a few months of this lackluster growth, my store started gaining momentum; everything continued as planned. Then the unexpected happened: one of my vendors could not ship out products to my customers, due to system errors on their part. 100’s of orders and no way to process them? I was petrified. My heart was beating faster than I thought possible. Here I was, juggling those 3 AP exams that I had to study for, and the numerous angry customers asking why their order hadn’t shipped yet. Needless to say, trying to handle both my schoolwork and my eBay business required many protracted hours. It was no surprise when my nights started getting much longer. A few days into my nightmare, my plight with my vendor was not getting any …show more content…

In my case, I went from over ten sales per day, to 1-2 sales daily. Was it worth continuing? Should I cut my losses? These thoughts didn’t last long, however. I was not going to give up after this one failure. It took time, lots of time, but eventually, through my consistent, focused calling of customer service and multiple exchanged emails to my vendor with many of my own proposed solutions, I was able to work out a resolution to the order crisis that I was having. Ultimately, the solution entailed using another source to ship out the items as there seemed to be no imminent solution to their system

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