Violating Social Norm Essay

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A social norm is classified as a standard expectation of what is the correct or deemed acceptable conduct that a member of a society has. The social norm that I chose to violate is the one where as I describe, you evade people’s personal space. What defines giving people their personal space and not getting too close, is that out of respect in my opinion, people need to have space to breathe and to move. If you get too close to people, either the person is going to think you are sexually intimidating him or she, you are just creepy, or even worse think you are rude for intimidating a right people have to be inches away from you. As I was getting ready to do the assignment of monitoring the reactions I would get for violating any social norm of my choice, I had a hard time thinking about which social norm I was going to …show more content…

I say semi because there were about 5 people in that elevator. I chose one person as my target. I chose an old professor only because I knew a professor in general won’t hit me or curse at me. I was extremely nervous because I felt bad trying to make an old man uncomfortable and two, I didn’t know what his immediate reaction was going to be. And so, I pressed all of the buttons of the elevator which were all ten floors. I faced the back of the elevator but facing the old professor like super close. He looked pretty confused because as the floor levels would increase, I would say “oh that 's my floor.” He would then say your are facing the wrong way. I would then say “oops that not the floor”and get even closer to him to the point that my arms touched his. As the people started getting off, I felt like they thought I had serious mental issues. When the professor floor level came, he told me that it was very impolite to play silly games in an elevator pressing all the buttons, and that it was rude to be standing so close to a man his

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