What It Means To Be An Elephant

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Of all the animals on Earth, I would choose to be an elephant. This animal demonstrates emotions, which for me has always been a struggle to express. Having emotion and showing it is something I need to accept, because in the end, we all care for something which is why I admire elephants so much. They tend to portray to the world that it is okay to express love, and that simple reason should be enough for me to show that type of emotion towards the people I love. Instead of being scared of something so great, I should be able to welcome it just as much as elephants tend to welcome emotion. To be able to be open with my love ones, and never let their minds wonder if I care for them is worth overlooking the fear. To show how much I value family, which ironically is how much elephants value theirs as well. These animals show that developing a bond makes the world keep spinning, because they have something to depend on. They have someone there to be by their side every step of the way. Elephants tend to remind me of humans, and how we can also become better human beings. In the end, we need as much love as everyone else, because …show more content…

It is someone who is willing to put the time and dedication in when nobody is watching. In my opinion, a true leader set goals and has the determination to conquer the goals. A leader does not give up no matter what the circumstances are. I became to believe that after everything I have been through during my high school years. The obstacles I have faced showed my peers that giving up on life was not an option, and there is no reason for me not to be anything but successful. The obstacles that challenged me has the ability to empower others to the point that anything is possible when one has the determination to do so. The leader I am today, is always setting goals higher and higher, because I know I have the ability to achieve them in the

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