Essay On My Family

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1. What is your definition of family? My definition of a family consists of parents that are married and their biological children. If I were to describe my family it consists of my father, mother, sister and I. My extended family is also very important t me also, we have always been a close family. I have grown up having my family living all around me as neighbors, so we have grown up having meals together, traveling together, being there for one another when one of us is ill or needs help, or to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or just to have some family time. However my definition of a family is no longer the norm and has not been for some time. Now there are families that consist of stepparents, stepbrothers and stepsisters; …show more content…

Assessment includes an interview with the observation of a patient by the nurse and considers the symptoms and signs of the condition, the patient’s verbal and nonverbal communication, the patient’s medical and social history, and any other information available. Among the physical aspects assessed are vital signs, skin color and condition, motor and sensory nerve function, nutrition, rest, sleep, activity, elimination, and consciousness. Among the social and emotional factors included in assessment are religion, occupation, attitude toward hospital and health care, mood, emotional tone, and family ties and responsibilities (Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, …show more content…

Focus is on the life cycles of families and represents normative stages of family development. It helps to provide understanding of normal predicted stresses that families experience as they change and transition over time. According to Stanhope & Lancaster (2014), this theory assists nurses in anticipating stresses families may experience based on the stage of the family life cycle and whether the family is experiencing these changes “on time” or “off time.” Nurses can also use these predictable stresses to identify family strengths in adaptation to the changes (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p.

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