What Is True About The Co2 Cycle

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Carbon dioxide is constantly moving throughout the environment. This statement is true about the CO2 cycle.
As shown on the flow chart, every reservoir intakes and circulates carbon dioxide throughout the environment. Therefore, there is no reservoir that only serves to take in carbon dioxide and there is no source that is also not a sink.
Higher temperatures will decrease (less carbon dioxide will dissolve) CO2 solubility.
Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Higher concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere increases the temperature. Therefore, because the temperature is higher there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting in a decrease of CO2 found in the ocean.
Increased water temperature leads to less carbon dioxide dissolved in the ocean.
When Earth’s …show more content…

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. An increase in heat causes low solubility of CO2 in the ocean, lower solubility in the ocean leads to higher atmospheric levels of CO2. More carbon dioxide in the air leads to further warming.
Increased temperature leads to more water vapor in the atmosphere.
When the amount of water vapor increases, the temperature will increase
Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere as they absorb or re-emit infrared radiation. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas, therefore more of it leads to increased atmospheric temperature.
On a scale from 1-5, I rate my claim a 5 based on my explanation.
Greenhouse gases increase temperature. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas. An increase in water vapor in the atmosphere leads to higher temperature. Increased levels of carbon dioxide increase levels of atmospheric water vapor.
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases traps heat in the atmosphere, leading to higher atmospheric temperatures. Higher temperatures leads to more water vapor as water evaporates into the

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