What Is The Positive Effects Of Social Media On Social Relationships?

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Social networking has the power to connect strangers across the world. As the evolution of communication continues, technology progresses and social networking grows. Social networks like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp have grown to have billions of users. In fact in today’s society, it is necessary or nearly expected to use at least one of these technological communication networks. The increasing use of social networking has had both a negative and positive effect on communication in relationships. Sherry Turkle explains the negative impact of social media on social relationship. Meanwhile, Jenna Wortham the author of “ I Had a Nice Time With You Tonight” focus on the positive enhancement of technology on users relationship. …show more content…

In particular, Turkle’s analysis on perfect feedback, and lack of empathy helps to understand Wortham’s essay.

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The analysis of perfect feedback helps to reveal Wortham’s perspective on social relationship. Turkle explains that “The best communication programs shield the writer from the view of the reader. The advantage of screen communication is that it is a place to reflect, retype, and, edit” (Turkle 374). People tend to delay answering text messages when they don 't have what they consider to be perfect answers or when they want to avoid whatever responsibility the message demands of them. It 's far easier to ignore replying to a message than a request from someone made in person because an messenger 's hope to get a response or frustration in not …show more content…

Sherry Turkle states "In texting, you get your main points off; you can really control when you want the conversation to start and end. You say, 'Got to go, bye: You just do it ... much better than the long drawn-out good-byes” ( Turkle 190). Social media allows human being to interact with one another at almost anywhere and anytime. But it does not mean that interaction is genuine and/or understands the feeling of their partners. Through social media words can be exchange between partners but those words cannot be translated to into feeling that the other person is feeling. One can feel what the other person is feeling through telephone because one is able to hear their partner 's voice and conclude what he/she is feeling. At the beginning of the essay Wortham states “We did all of this despite living more than 3,000 miles apart, thanks to smartphone applications and services that helped to collapse time and space” (Wortham 393). Social media is the most foremost form of communication between couple that lives thousands of miles

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