Connectivity And Its Discontents By Sherry Turkle

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In the21st century, Amazing changes in communication has affected interpersonal relationships. Some prefer to use technology like Facebook, Line, and Wechat to communicate with their friends rather than talking in person. Communicating with technology will make them alienated. Interpersonal relationships are also important by personal talking, which may lead to improve relationships. In her essay, “Connectivity and Its Discontents”, Sherry Turkle believes technology weakens interpersonal relationship among friends, and relatives. In “Mother Tongue”, Amy Tan claims talking with her mother and husband in a personal way can improves their relationship. Using technology to communicate will alienate and widen the distance between friends; talking …show more content…

Moreover using personal language in public places make friends hard to get close. When people use personal language, it represent their own thinking. “It’s because over the twenty years we 've been together I’ve often used that same kind of English with him, and sometimes he even uses it with me. It has become our language of intimacy, a different sort of English that relates to family talk, the language I grew up with. ” (Amy Than 135) The author trusts that personal language become a part of their life, and someone else cannot understand. Personal language can strengthen their affinity, and make their relationship much better. In China, some lovers use slang to call their boyfriends or girlfriends. They want to show their strong relationship by using personal …show more content…

Some relatives have strong relationships. They stay together, having their own language which accompany them to grow up. Personal language expresses their life. Their language can be understood by each other but can not be understood by strangers. It can not be captured by language test; it also can not be understood easily by language research. It is like mother’s speaking, only being captured by sons and daughters, can not be understood by teachers, professors, and researchers, “I wanted to capture what language ability tests can never reveal: her intent, her passion, her imagery, the rhythms of her speech and the nature of thoughts.” (Amy Than 139) Author, never expressing her love and feeling by writing, uses personal language to show her affection to her mother, since personal language is more genial than normal communication language, and witness the growth of each

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