What Is The Importance Of Tarsiers?

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Tarsius syrichta is locally common and widespread, largely because of its tolerance of second growth or edge habitat from sea level up to 750 m with preference being given to areas of regenerating growth (Dagosto and Gebo 1995). However, it clearly occurs at higher densities in less disturbed habitats (I. Arboleda pers. comm.).Tarsiers can be found between 0m and 8m above the ground, and most activities between 2m and 3m above ground level (Niemitz, 1984). The primate acquires trees due to the fact that it is arboreal and has to use tall trees for its home. Tarsier species are important predators of arthropod prey and other animals in their tropical forest habitats. They show remarkable convergences with owls and effectively occupy a similar niche. Over 30 convergences have been noted between owls and tarsiers, including external morphology, characteristics of their inner ears, and their ecology. They are host to a diverse fauna of endoparasites. They are efficient predators of large arthropods (crop pests), hence aids in controlling pest populations. Ecological variation is responsible for differences in morphology and behaviour in tarsiers because different species become adapted to local conditions based on the level of altitude. For example, the colder climate at higher elevations can …show more content…

The trucks of trees and larger branches are a likely harbour for insects and are consequently used by foraging tarsiers (Napier 1985). Study shows that the T. syrichta is observed most frequently found in bushlands and open forests having abundant small diameter locomotor supports. This is supported by observations that it prefers relevès with many small diameter trees than those with less small diameter trees. The implication of this is that thickets frequented with small diameter plants in the woody vegetation and open forest of Bohol, have a higher probability of housing a tarsier (PCA,

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