How To Compare And Contrast Essay

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Do you ever wonder how you and your sibling can be so different in the way that you each handle situations and your temperament, but be from the same bloodline? I often sit and notice that the way I interact and respond to situations, in most times, differs greatly from that of my family. How is it possible to be from the same family, have so many of the same qualities and features, yet respond to situations and stimuli differently? Different behaviors or temperament styles vary amongst each individual and can affect social interactions between themselves and others. Focusing on children, it is clear to see that temperament shapes how one interacts and responds to their own environment, whether it be a learned behavior …show more content…

The basic concept behind goodness of fit is that one can match a temperament with learning styles and instructional approaches. Chess and Thomas were amongst the first researchers to actually test and give credit to the fact that children help to contribute to their own behaviors and actions. This was one of the earliest studies to show that children do contribute to their own behaviors and they are not “as innocent” when it comes to how they react, as before in the past. The goodness of fit model helps to credit that children's behaviors are not solely learned from their caregivers but also have other outside factors such as environment, learned traits, own self choice and how they can adapt to each situation …show more content…

It took the wonder out of a child's behavior and it faced reality. Many children do not have behavior issues due to a medical condition, but more based on their own behavior. Their behavior is also due to the fact that the behavior of those around them, primarily their parents and their families. This article helped to identify that different members of the same family can and will have different behaviors and attitudes. Each different person will have individual temperaments and that is totally normal. In fact, it helps to set the overall diversity in a family

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