Maslow's Theory Of Personality Theory

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Maslow’s idea that people with high self-esteem have greater self-worth and self-confidence could be studied through an experiment. Have researchers bring in a subject, talk about all the positive aspects they possess, then give them a survey asking about how they feel. Have another subject come in and discuss all the negative aspects about them. Follow up with the same survey and compare results. Rogers believed that people could develop a distorted self-concept, meaning that people can believe something about themselves that is not true. He said that this typically leads to anxiety. To test this, researchers could have subjects that have a normal self-esteem come in and do a mock interview. Have the subject believe that they are interviewing …show more content…

It should define the relationship between the past and the present characteristics of an individual. Personality can change over time, so I believe a theory should help explain how the personality has changed. A good theory should cover issues such as dependency in personality, aggressive behaviors, and behaviors in general. It should include social influences and biological influences and explain the bad and good factors of these influences. A personality theory should encompass various avenues to improve the negative aspects of a person’s character in order to enable him or her to become a more productive member of …show more content…

Some experiences one cannot remember, such as the first year of life. Though we cannot remember this time of our life, we discovered and developed reactions to our world. Parent interaction is needed in this time to help develop a sense of trust; therefore, parents are a big deal as we develop. They are the ones we look to know how to respond to the environment around us. We develop some fears because our parents are afraid of them and we develop likes and dislikes based on what our parents’ interests are. Personality is a collaboration of our reactions to the world. Each personality is different, though some people may have similar aspects to another’s personality. The more common, the better they get

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