What Is Human Trafficking

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Imagine living a great life but then smuggled by a stranger bringing you a thousand miles away from your country. Yes, this kind of events is still happening. Human trafficking is an illegal movement for forced labor, sexual reasons, and bonded labor. Human trafficking is the closest thing right now to slavery. Most females and children are targeted. Human trafficking is a transnational phenomenal crime. Many people die after being used like that. Human trafficking is an illegal movement of people for sexual reasons or forced labor. 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across the international border every year. 80% are females and children. Not all human trafficking is for sexual exploitation.There are many reasons and different ways …show more content…

The main reason is ignorance of the issue. Many people won’t hear/learn about human trafficking so they will end up falling into the trap. Adding onto vulnerability there are five more reasons. There are poverty, runaways and at-risk youth, sex industries, lack of law and legalization, and people. Poverty is where is someone is financially insecure and wants a steady job but then realizes that they aren’t actually going to work for that job. Runaways and at-risk youth can trick younger children into thinking that someone actually wants them and loves them. Sex industries are just like how it is said. This demands the worker to be in the sex industry. Lack of law and legalization means they go to a country where prostitution is legal and the country is lacking laws on human trafficking. The last one is people. This one would be the second closest main reason next to ignorance. This one is where people who purchase and exploit others. In the book Sold, the girl is sold to be a maid for this rich family but actually is a prostitute. From the book Sold, there are certain rules when you’re with a guy. “Now, she says, you must carry yourself with modesty, bow your head in the presence of men, and cover yourself with your shawl. Never look a man in the …show more content…

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