Human Trafficking: A Global Problem

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Human Trafficking is a global problem that affects the lives of millions of people in almost every country in the world, and which deprives them of their human dignity. As one of the most infamous crimes in the world, human trafficking is misleading and makes victims in women, men and children from all corners of the world every day and causes them to be exploited. Although the best-known form of human trafficking is sexual exploitation, hundreds of thousands of victims are also trafficked for the purposes of forced labor, forced labor as domestic servants, child begging and organ removal (Shelley, 2010). On the other side, “human trafficking is both a global problem and a domestic problem” (Jones, Engstrom, Hilliard, & Diaz, 2007, p.108-109) …show more content…

At the same time, legislators should carefully consider the offense so that intent circumstances and the persons responsible for the crime should be indicated as part of the crime (Winterdyk & Reichel, 2010). In order to prevent human trafficking, there is also a necessity to create laws and amendments on laws relating to immigration, labor migration, and studying abroad. The third problem to be solved is the strengthening of international cooperation in the fight against human trafficking. Primarily, it includes the international law enforcement and cooperation in the field of detection and prevention of transnational criminal groups, cooperation in curbing crimes committed in each country and in exposing the perpetrators. The fourth way to solve the problem of human trafficking is state intervention at all levels of trade. Governments of the sending and the delivering countries should confirm their position with respect to all types of agreements and programs to combat human trafficking and take steps in promoting and implementing their commitments. Unfortunately, until such cooperation is not introduced in the majority of countries, the responsibility for the results of foreign travel is imposed only on the immigrating citizen (Shelley, …show more content…

The training should include an understanding of the situation that has signs of human trafficking, definition of crimes, identification of the phenomenon of organized crime in human trafficking, and awareness of the fact that victims of trafficking should not be considered as illegal migrants or criminals but people whose human rights have been violated (Jones, Engstrom, Hilliard, & Diaz, 2007, p.108-109). Finally, the last way to solve the problem is to unite the efforts of the government agencies and social institutions in the creation of anti-trafficking programs and providing assistance to the victims of human trade (Shelley, 2010). Additionally, local people should be trained or at least informed about the dangers of being involved into foreign travel/migration process since there is always a possibility that a travel agent or foreign agency representative is a part of human trafficking

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