What Is A Visit At A Sex Shop Essay

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The first time I visited a sexual consumer site was in 1999, in Mayport, Florida with my then boyfriend, now my husband Juan. It was late at night and the building was poorly lit. I remember feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed. I kept wondering if I would run into anyone I knew or if anyone saw me entering the building. At the time visiting the sex shop was part of a rite of passage that also included getting into my first 18 and over club and getting my first tattoo. I remember that I felt ashamed and dirty entering a small store filled with porn VHS tapes and dildos. Still, I was an adult this meant that I was old enough to vote, buy cigarettes, and buy porn.
Now, 17 years later I walked into the Déjà vu Love Boutique in El Cajon, with my husband on a Saturday afternoon. It was a bright and sunny day in the East County, this visit felt different than when I was a teenager. I no longer cared about who was watching my husband and I enter the “sex shop.” Possibly if experience, maturity, and/or wisdom contributed to the new sense of normalcy that I felt as I entered the two-story building in a busy plaza. My 18-year old self would not have had the courage to enter a sexual health consumer site in broad daylight.
It has been a few years since I last visited a …show more content…

This was a large store that was well lit and had an enormous sign welcoming patrons. The assortment of products was overwhelming. The first floor was filled with women’s lingerie and costumes the back of the store had lubricants in an assortment of colors and flavors. I was surprised at my own coolness and amazement as if I had been a regular at sex shops. Nonetheless, I felt emotional because I had the memory of my first visit to sexual consumer site with my husband. I thought about how our marriage has changed through the years and how different we are in comparison to our teenage

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