What Does Religion Mean To Me

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Everyday, without realizing it, I go about my life in a similar way. I know right from wrong, and I know my values. A person’s values affect their decisions in every way, whether it is something as simple as what to wear or something as serious as committing a crime. I value religion. I am baptized as a Catholic and I try to live my life by the Ten Commandments to the best of my ability. I also prioritize my family. They are an enormous part of my life. In addition, I live life on a daily basis having respect for myself. Every time I make a decision, my values always affect my choosing. Having been raised a Catholic, I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Religion has given me many of my personal morals and values. However, I believe that people get to choose which values and views they want to follow and live by. Personally, religion has taught me how to be content with myself spiritually and to know what to cherish in life. I try to live by the Ten Commandments as best as I can. I love God and I enjoy going to mass and listening to what the priest has to share with us. It is through God that I am here, afterall. I try to go to mass and praise the Lord as often as I can. I am a strong believer that a greater being has granted my family and me our own miracles, and for that I am eternally grateful.
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My values, whether I consider them in the moment or I consider them subconsciously, always affect my decisions. I value my religion and the things the Bible preaches and do my best to follow them. I always have the best interest for my family in mind and put them first. Having respect for myself is also something I live by. I would never do something that I felt was wrong just because I felt left out or desired acceptance. I live my life with gratitude and am grateful for the wonderful opportunities I have been given. Life is a mysteriously, wonderful adventure which we have been given and I want to live it in the best way

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