What Does Religion Mean To Me Essay

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I personally believe that it is great for someone to have hope and to strongly believe in something, in which you personally believe it can assist you through the easy or rough times in life. I believe in God the father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. This is the beginning of the Apostle’s Creed, a prayer that of which summarizes and yet professes the basic beliefs of Christians. Unlike most of my friends who were raised catholic, I did not know all of the prayers or even go to church regularly. I grew up not going to church often on Sundays only because I had used to strongly despise going to church, because to me, it was an hour long ordeal were I had to be quiet and I did not understand what was going on. But, when I attended my first …show more content…

I think that everyone should have a chance to believe in a greater deity, and they should not be judged for what they believe in. We all have different beliefs and ideas, but I do not see this as a reason to treat someone differently. I believe in the idea of the freedom to practice your own religion, as I know is in the first amendment in our Bill of Rights in the United States of Americas thanks to my government and politics class. I know personally that I can take many things for granted such as being able to attend school, having running water, and food everyday on the table. But the thing I think that I take for granted the most is my first amendment right as an american citizen. Although it seems like the protection and freedom to practice your own religion would be the right thing for a government to provide, I was dumbfounded when I found out when I was little that other people in different places around the world are not as fortunate to have this right. This is one of the many reasons why I am glad to be a citizen of the United States of America, where I have the freedom to practice my own

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