What Does It Mean To Say That Art Is A Lie

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Pablo Picasso once said “Art is a lie that brings us closer to the truth”. From this statement a lot can be interpreted leading to different ideas and I think most prominent is the relationship between art, the truth and lies. Pablo Picasso makes two assumptions in his assertion, the first concerning the first section which addresses the fact that art is a lie. The second assumption is made whereby art is given a purpose—“ brings us closer to the truth” which creates a paradox that truth can develop and exist in a lie. Furthermore his statement of the two contradictory suggestions leads us to understand that art is a representation of the truth or truths and reality which are perceived by humans as lies. Art is a wide and broad Area of Knowledge that incorporates a lot of art forms and a form that has dominated our modern times is film. Taking this into account, Picasso’s statement will be analyzed in relation to film on the basis of two contradictory claims on art, lies and truth. Looking at art it is defined as the intentional expression of ideas, concepts and emotions through the skillful and creative use of any alterable medium(“Art"). Art’s definition is very controversial and many different thoughts can come up. This brings up a …show more content…

Such as news reports and talk shows etc where perhaps one broadcasting company could talk about an issue and provide us with certain information, events and facts of what happened, while another broadcaster would write about the same topic or issue and provide us with different information and ideas which gives us different perspectives on the truth, this makes depending on the perspective one that is true and the other a lie or a fabrication. Evidently, two information centres and providers provided different perspectives of the same event showing and the bias. This shows that truths and lies are subjective perceptions and will vary for each

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