What Does It Mean To Be Emotionally Intelligent?

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The phrase Emotional intelligence has entered the everyday vocabulary after going to press David Goleman's book with the same title, which sold over a million copies worldwide, but what does this phrase really mean?
Widespread misconception is that people are either rational or emotional. Emotional intelligence is, simply put, the harmonious functioning of the mind and emotions. It is a skill use and emotion and reason in order to live life in the best possible way. Emotionally intelligent people are not always happy, satisfied and smiling, but they know that every emotion, pleasant or unpleasant, has its own function and that we all needed to truly live a full and real life. Anyone who knows the basics of psychology knows that running away from emotional states that we experience as unpleasant, leading to even greater emotional problems and often in mental illness. Like any other skill, emotional intelligence can, with greater or lesser efforts, to learn and practice. Also, like any other skill, weak if not trained regularly.

What it means to be an emotionally intelligent? …show more content…

It is a process that requires commitment, courage, curiosity and perseverance. Being emotionally intelligent is to understand the feelings, to know how are created and what they are, and, more importantly, accept feelings as a sign of humanity and not as a sign of weakness. For a person to become emotionally intelligent to some extent, must be aware of their feelings but also to know when and to whom it is better not to show them. Emotional intelligence means to pause, reassess and adjust their thinking and behavior if necessary. Other people that includes your children, can be understood only in the extent to which you understand yourself, the same formula applies for

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