What Does It Mean To Be A Hero?

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Heroism is not about being the bravest. It is not about being the strongest. It is not about being the fastest, or the boldest, or even the most compassionate. Heroism is having a single, fearless act of courage. Heroism can mean so many different things to many different people. Everyone has had his or her own experience with heroism. Though some think one has to die in order to be a hero, expressing heroism is having the ability to save a life no matter the circumstance.
For Australian resident Don Ritchie, heroism means talking to people. Ritchie live across the street from “The Gap,” a famous suicide cliff. When he witnesses someone about to jump, he walks over and strikes a conversation. He will sometimes invite them to his house for …show more content…

A personal experience can be far more interesting or life changing than just hearing about heroism. This is what I experienced four years ago while at Santa Rosa beach. As a seven-year-old girl I never imagined having to be saved by my brother, to me it was just a normal vacation to the beach. The weather was awesome for swimming and just playing in the water. We were on a private beach with no overcrowds. As my brother and got knee deep in the water, I got more and more excited. Little did we know there was a double red flag. Two minutes later I could not touch the bottom so I turned to the shore to see how far away I was. There were miles of water between my mom and me and my brother. I started to panic. I cried out as hard and as loud as I could, “MOM, MOM, MOM.” I knew she couldn’t hear me because I could barely hear my brother who was arms reach from me. I didn’t know what to do. The waves were crashing over our heads and I couldn’t breathe. With waves in every direction we turned my brother reached out and lifted me above the water so I could breath. He is six foot two and two hundred forty pounds. There is no doubt he has the physical ability to lift me but when a person is fighting to breathe and trying to save their sister, that’s when the heroism comes in. In one moment I start to float away, being taken by

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