What Does It Mean To Be A Disciple

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A disciple, in the general sense of the word, means anyone who chooses to learn from a teacher - however in the religious interpretation, the teacher is represented in Jesus. Disciple is literally translated to ‘learner’ in Greek, but in the Catholic faith, the word takes on a deeper meaning. Discipleship becomes an open call from God to spread the Good News and be a visible symbol of His benevolence. “If you have made the decision to be a disciple of Jesus, you can see through all these other [negative] messages, taking only what is good and true from them.” (Cooper, Vocations, pg. 31) The Bible passage Luke 6:40 stresses the importance of drawing inspiration from a teacher. The verse proclaims how one must learn from them, listen to them, trust them, emulate them, but never compete against them. One should not compare themselves to Jesus, as his greatness can never be reached by humans. Instead, one only …show more content…

When it comes down to it, any person striving to improve themself and acting only with kindness, qualifies as a disciple - but a deeper passion for the Church and all its tenets is needed to be considered a religious disciple. (notes)

I choose to express my discipleship humbly, through simple and daily acts of love. All of these deeds, whether the religious aspect is clearly evident or not, represent how I am a disciple, and working on improving both myself and the global community. First of all, I choose to purchase only cruelty free items and clothing to protect the animals, God’s creations. Also, I recently went through my closet and donated all of my old clothes I no longer get any use out of to children in need instead of letting them go to waste. Every year or so, I donate my hair to Pantene so that they can make

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