True Disciple of Jesus in the Modern World

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True Disciple of Jesus in the Modern World


“It is not possible to be a true disciple of Jesus in the modern

world” , do you agree, give reasons for your answer, showing you have

considered more than one point of view, refer to Christianity in your



No I do not agree with the statement “ It is not possible to be a true

disciple of Jesus in the modern world”

Discipleship means denying yourself, carrying your cross and following

in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. A disciple is a person who devotes

their life and follows the ways and teachings of Jesus Christ

.Discipleship involves making material sacrifices. Obviously there are

several differences in our world today and the world of Jesus’ such

modern technology nowadays, such as computers, telephones, mobile

phones and so on, whereas in Jesus’ day these things were completely

unheard of. These differences make our world today completely

different to that of which Jesus would have lived in however in my

opinion discipleship still exists in our world today.

Calling today can be described as ‘vocation’ . We are all called to

continue the good work of Jesus Christ, we as Christians work and pray

for the growth of the kingdom of God on earth. Priest and Nuns are

also called, they live the values of Jesus in our world today, and

from this they give witness to others . Just like the first disciples,

we as Christians today are all given the part to play in continuing

the work of building god’s kingdom we can do this by teaching our

children the faith of the catholic church and showing a good example

to others who may have little faith, these people need the help of

others to lead them in the write path. We are all given qualities,

examples of some of these are, talents to help others, charity

workers, and so on. When baptised we are welcomed into Gods family

‘the Christian community’ and by being apart of this family we all

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