Being a Disciple of Jesus Today

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Being a Disciple of Jesus Today Being a disciple requires many things from you, some you may like, some you may hate. Many people around the world find it hard, some different. The first 12 disciples of Jesus had to make sacrifices as soon as Jesus called them. Such as leaving their families, friends and possessions. Imagine someone telling you to follow them leaving everything behind. Now, if that was me I would probably just laugh at them and walk off. But I guess the way society has changed over the many years makes a difference on what sacrifices we would make today. In the Gospel, Jesus said to the rich man ‘to receive eternal life in heaven, you must sell all your possessions and that money to the poor’. It would be impossible for someone to do that today in this society because people have a lot of responsibilities and their job or life could affect so many other people around them. The disciples gave up all their had just to follow Jesus, now if we were to do that today how many of us would survive. It’s absolutely impossible, with out any money how are we supposed to eat or cloth ourselves. I’m not saying go and give everything you completely have but by not doing this we should give what we can, by giving to charity. Or if you don’t have anything to give you can give your time by doing volunteer work or something to help those less fortunate. Basically putting others needs before your own, that’s what a true disciple would do. Just like Mother Teresa did, all her life she dedicated to the will of God. Right now your probably thinking I could never do that, but yes you can. Mother Teresa had less than me and you, she only had three saris. It doesn’t matter if you have little, for it’s not how much we do, but how much love we put in doing, Mother Teresa once said. Many people around the world have been persecuted, this is when

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