What Does Honor, Commitment, And Initiative Mean

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What do Honor, Commitment, and Initiative mean to me? Everyone looks up to the rich and the successful people and want to be like them, but in reality, they’re just like everyone else, humans. Everybody sees the outcome of what the person has become, but don’t spot what characteristics the person has built to overcome their challenges. They have struggled through many oppositions until they have reached the position that they are in today and they built these three character qualities so they can fight for what they want. Building the three character traits can be tough, but it makes the person stronger and smarter. To me, those were a big part of my life and I had a demanding time going through them. However, Taking initiative, being committed, …show more content…

Also, it means to do not only do what's required, but to do extra. For example, it can be an employee taking initiative for their company. This means that a person is always looking for new ideas or ways to be a better employee. Being the first to volunteer for a big and difficult project. An employee should take the initiative to do some research and be prepared for what comes to them. Taking the initiative might be the first step, but being committed throughout is significant too. To be committed, it means to accomplish a goal that have been set by doing all the exhausting work. finish something that a person has started. For example, finishing school and getting a degree. When a student decides to do something for your whole life, in this case, a career, you commit to succeed and have it for the rest of your life. "I would rather die standing than live on my knees!" (Emiliano Zapata). The author meant that it is better to die with having honor than to live with shame for their whole life. To me, honor means an individual or even a group being recognized for his/ their accomplishments and integrity. For example, it can be a student who finishes school. The soldiers in the military that are fighting for our country to protect

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