What Caused The Video Game Crash Of 1983

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The year was 1980 and video games were growing wildly popular. Atari’s was growing huge with their atari 2600 and many other companies were also growing big, such as mattel with their intellivision and coleco with their colecovision. Home computers such the apple 2 and the commodore 64 were growing popular too with their video games and other uses. But soon other companies wanted to cash in on this video game boom. Other companies started releasing bunches of cheaply made games to get money. This and many other factors were the causes of the video game crash of 1983 also known as the Atari Shock. In 1983, the Commodore 64 was released as the successor to the popular Commodore VIC-20 and Commodore MAX home computers. The commodore 64 sold 17 million units and was one of the only home computers to survive the video game crash. Home computers were very common at that time and were used for various things such as financing and programming and research as the internet was created the same year. But soon developers started programming games for home computers. Most kids would play on their parents computers because that was all they had. But soon many games were being released for home computers. This caused home computers to grow more popular than consoles which was one of the factors that caused the video game crash. …show more content…

But soon, many companies such as Mysticon started making low quality games like firefly and even companies like atari started mass producing games and ended up releasing one of the worst games of all time, E.T. The game E.T was rushed and made in only 6 weeks and was very terrible. E.T was the final nail in the coffin for the video game industry. About 700 000 copies of E.T were buried. After this event, the video game industry came to a crash and video game companies

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