What Are The Similarities Between Stanton And The Declaration Of Sentiment

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Declaration vs. Declaration Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote “A Declaration of Sentiments” in July 1848 as a fight for women’s rights at a convention in Seneca Falls, New York, where she presented it. Stanton modeled the writing of her own declaration on the infamous “Declaration of Independence” by Thomas Jefferson. Although both of these pieces of writings were based on American freedom, they were two completely different aspects of freedom and deriving issues. “The Declaration of Sentiments” was based on the equality of men and women, and “The Declaration was based on political equality. Stanton's style of her writing was nearly identical to Jefferson’s. She is trying to get more attention to the independence and rights that women failed to receive during those times and was determined to change that. Due to Stanton's way of addressing the issue, she has had a huge impact on the gaining of women's rights. …show more content…

Of course Jefferson then goes on to talk about the political aspects of freedom in America, while Stanton goes on to talk about the lack of equality between men and women and lack thereof when it comes to women's equality. Stanton strategically did this to catch the attention of the American public, especially the women, as the point of the convention was to get women to want to get equal treatment with men from equal treatment in marriage to equal working opportunities. While using the same style as Jefferson, Stanton also used a lot of his wording. The use of “He” is constantly used by both Jefferson and Stanton, but both have different meanings. In Jefferson’s declaration, “He” is referring to the King; whereas the use of “He” in Stanton’s writing refers to male

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