What Are The Four Main Routes Of Exposure By Which Chemicals Can Contact And Or Enter The Body

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Mroszczyk (2012) advocate that there are four main routes of exposure by which chemicals can contact and/or enter a body. Many chemicals can cause direct effects at the point of contact, such as irritation of the skin, eyes, mouth or nose. Some chemicals can also be absorbed into the body and cause harmful effects on other body systems like the blood, liver or nervous system. Mroszczyk (2012) references that human health effects caused by exposure to toxic substances fall into two categories: short term and long term effects. Short term effects (or acute effects) have a relatively quick onset (usually minutes to days) after brief exposures to relatively high concentrations of material (acute exposures). Goetsch (2011) furthermore states that the effect may be local or systemic. Local effects occur at the site of contact between the toxicant and the body. This site is …show more content…

Chemicals in the air can be inhaled into the body through the mouth or nose. Airborne chemicals may occur in different forms such as gases, vapors, dusts or mists. For most chemicals in the form of vapors, gases, mists, or particulates, inhalation is the major route of entry. Goetsch (2011) states that once inhaled, chemicals are either exhaled or deposited in the respiratory tract. If deposited, damage can occur through direct contact with tissue or the chemical may diffuse into the blood through the lung blood interface. Upon contact with tissue in the upper respiratory tract or lungs, chemicals may cause health effects ranging from simple irritation to severe tissue destruction. Substances absorbed into the blood are circulated and distributed to organs that have an affinity for that particular chemical. Health effects can then occur in the organs, which are sensitive to the toxicant. The type of control method recommended is using respirators and protective clothing suitable for the

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