What Are The Four Constitutional Principles Of Public Administration

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In order to understand how the republican form of government, federalism, separation- of-power principle and constitutionalism affect the practice of public administration you must first understand what public administration is. According to our book, The Craft of Public Administration, “Pubic Administration is grounded in partisan, policy and systems politics” (Berkley, Rouse, pg.3). What this is saying is that the principle of the constitution dictate activities of public communities under the federal state and local governments. It cannot operate without personnel that is monitored by administrative laws. In this paper it shall be discussed how the four constitutional principles help shape administration. The first being the republic form of government. Second, the creation of the federal system. Third, the separation-of-power principle, Fourth and final being constitutionalism. In 1787, the document that would influence the lives of American’s everyday provided the four constitutional principles that continue to shape the republican form of government. It is important to understand that the republic form of government, “simply stated, we send representatives-legislators and executives-to city hall, the general assembly, Governor’s mansion, and the White House because it would be impractical for all citizens to vote on every …show more content…

In order for the branches of government to have influence over the operations of other’s a system of, checks and balances was created which was supposed to decrease the abuse of power within the government. It is important to understand that, “a system of checks and balances enable each branch to have some influence on the operation of others” (Berkley, Rouse, pg. 17). It is because of this doctrine that they are able to influence the different branches of government to prevent overreach of

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