What Are The Effects Of Bilingualism On Autistic Children

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The Effects of Bilingualism On Autistic Children
The definition of bilingualism is an individual’s ability to understand and speak two languages. Professionals understand how important a child’s cultural connection is to their family. The hypothesis shown was that bilingual parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder may have a different approach in contrast to bilingual parents with typically developing children. The purpose was to explore the different perspectives of parents about their children's learning environment. Researchers conducted a qualitative study if being bilingual has a negative effect on neurotypical children, children with language development delays, and language disorders. For their approach, they interviewed the first group: the parents of children with ASD. The second group: The parents of children that are TD. This interview included: seventeen parents of bilingual ASD children and eighteen bilingual parents with TD children with the ages of children between three and ten years-old. …show more content…

This tool helped researchers collect data on the exposure of language environment to their children. During the study, participants had the opportunity to withdraw from the interview if they ever felt uncomfortable, due to the ethical principles that were in place. Each participant signed an informed consent. The interviews were constructed in a video or auditory setting. To analyze, the researchers used Thematic Analysis which is the most commonly used approach for qualitative research. The interviewer gave codes that have themes which correspond to the study. Codes such as effects of bilingualism or family factors. After a few levels of codes, the participants were asked to determine if any of the themes accurately demonstrated their

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