Were The American Colonists Justified Dbq Essay

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During the 1760’s, in the thirteen colonies of america, the colonist declared war to break away from Britain. The colonist were angry with the British King , George III, for not granting them the Ohio valley and making them pay taxes. However, Britain did not grant the colonist the Ohio Valley in order to protect them from the Native Americans. They started making the colonist pay small amounts of taxes, compared to those in Britain, to pay for the war. The American Colonist were not justified in wanting independence from Britain because the British were only trying to protect the colonies and they were paying lower taxes than citizens living in Britain. The colonists were not justified because the British were trying to protect them . In document one by Tomas Whatley, created in the 1760’s,It was stated that “The colonists should contribute to the payment for the war because the war was fought for Americans protection they should pay.”So the British start taxing them an example being a Sugar Act placed in 1764 that put a small tax on sugar and molasses. The tax was placed to pay for the war. …show more content…

in the document British vs. Colonial taxes it shows the difference between the colonists and British citizens tax payments and comparison. The Townsend Acts were placed and imposed taxes upon all paper products however many taxes were dropped or reduced which show how the British government was trying to be generous with the taxes that they placed on the colonists. the British government did the colonists certain properties to protect them from the Native Americans and taxing them because they should have had to contribute in the wars payment because the war was fought for their own safety. The American colonists were not justified in wanting independence from Britain because the British had protected them and were generous with the taxesthey had placed on

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