Water Syllabus

616 Words2 Pages

Lesson Number
Lesson Aims
1: Introduce Unit: What do we know about water?
Students explore water and access, and how it is treated in Australia. We play a game exploring the different types of water, Students write about water, what they know what they want to know and what interests them.

Introduction/ Engagement Session: Students discuss what and water use and access around the world.

2: How much water is available for human use?
Through a classroom demonstration, students will calculate the percentage of fresh water available for human use and explain why water is a limited resource.

Students are encouraged to ask questions, and are expected to conclude that that freshwater is limited and must be conserved and protected.
3. How much water do we need?
How can we reduce our consumption?

Practical investigation into water consumption. Students begin Investigation. Students collect data about their personal and family water use. They use their data to identify where water consumption could be reduced.

The amount of water required for different activities varies greatly. The collected data shows which activities require the most water.
4. Access to Fresh Clean Drinking Water

This lesson addresses the issue of differences in the availability, use and consumption of water in Australia and in Central …show more content…

2). Students will continue to learn about the importance of water and the different ways water is used in everyday lives in some African nations, and will examine the consequences communities face when they lack clean

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