Water Hardness Essay

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1.0 What is water hardness?
Water hardness is the amount of calcium and magnesium dissolved in water. When water passes through ground or rocks for example limestone the calcium and magnesium is dissolved into the water thus producing hard water. Water hardness does not easily give good lather with soap. There are two types of hardness, temporary and permanent. Temporary hardness is caused by dissolved calcium and magnesium bicarbonates. Boiling the water can soften temporary hardness, by boiling, it converts the bicarbonates into insoluble carbonates. Magnesium sulphates that are very soluble and calcium sulphates that are slightly soluble cause permanent hardness. Permanent hardness cannot be precipitated.

1.1 How is it measured?
The hardness of …show more content…

Lime-soda ash is used to remove the carbonate hardness by precipitation. It does not completely remove the hardness however it is effective in reducing it. It is effective if used to soften temporary hardness. To remove the calcium bicarbonate from the water slaked lime is used. By reacting with the calcium bicarbonate it forms a soluble calcium carbonate, which is then removed by filtering. However a restriction of using lime-soda ash is that it will not work on a lab scale experiment. “An additional deterrent to home use of the lime-soda ash treatment is the size of the equipment necessary, together with the high cost of this method of treatment.” (Lime-Soda Ash Water Treatment Method)

1.3 Research question
What is the most cost effective method for purifying hard water?

1.4 Aim
The aim for this experiment is to find the most cost effective method for purifying hard water.

1.5 Hypothesis
If using ion exchange resin beads softens the hard water then the water will become purified because it will eliminate the calcium and magnesium ions, which is what causes hard water to be formed. Ion exchange allows efficient elimination of

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