Was American Imperialism Justified

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Throughout the time of American Imperialism, I believe that we, as Americans, were not justified in more than half of the decisions we made based solely on, “America felt as if they were missing out and ultimately decided to participate in imperialism,” however, the one settlement we were justified in doing was the purchase of Alaska by President Johnson’s Secretary of State William Seward. This purchase was justifiable due to Alaska being, “…one of the greatest purchases of all time for Alaska was rich in minerals, timber and oil.” (From Lecture) Although Seward did receive some backlash for his investment, because of this purchase, the United States added 586,412 sq. miles of new territory and there were no wars that broke out over this decision. The least justified action we partook in was the planned overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani and the annexation of Hawaii as our 50th state. Queen Liliuokalani was “loyal to her past” and simply wanted to “redeem her country from outsiders” by protecting her land, such as countless other have done from Americans in the past, which only resulted in Americans feeling “threatened.” Americans had no right to plan a revolution against the queen on the basis of their political privileges becoming vulnerable. Due to this, the U.S felt it was necessary to overthrow her and allowed John L. Stevens to order marines to be ready to attack, in which she quickly surrendered, and promptly gave the “presidency” to Sanford Dole.

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