War Of The Roses Thesis

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The topic for today’s lesson in an introduction to the War of the Roses. Standards:The standard for a high school history class pertaining to this lesson include: Students will be able to “analyze multiple and complex causes and effects of events in the past”. Meaning that by the end of class students will be able to identify the cause of the War of the Roses, and what occurred as a result of it. Objectives: Students will understand and know the true cause of the war of the roses and understand why origins of the war are complicated. Also students will have a basic understanding of medieval concepts such as feudalism, and will have a basic understanding of how medieval warfare might have looked. Teacher & Student Activities: Anticipatory …show more content…

Albans, 22 May 1455. I will also assign a set of guiding questions that will direct the students to important information of the document. The question will include: What was wrong with King Henry III? Who appeared to have the upper hand before the battle? Why were the York’s moving their army through St. Albans? How long did the battle last? Who came out as the victor of the battle of st. Albans? Who were the main houses involved in the battle? Students must submit their response to the question by the end …show more content…

This can cause problems in hearing certain words as well as will cause difficulties in reading. Because someone who suffers from this can not pick up the tiny sounds we use in our everyday language without know it is extremely difficult for them to say a simple word let alone a whole sentence. In a school setting this exceptionality can be quite difficult for a student because a lot of the class are based on reading, writing, and speaking. To help combat the effects reading phonemic awareness I will sit the student as close as possible to where i will be standing. This is so that he can more easily listen to the lesson and might be easier for him to listen to the phonemes in words. Apart from that i will make sure that he either I read him the document or provide him with auditory software that will read him the not only this document, but will also read him other material. However, so that the student does not develop a dependency on having things read to him I might assign him informal assignments to help reduce the effects of phonemic awareness. Or I can have meeting with his parents and provide the student’s parents with resources such as worksheets and textbook that will help with the student's exceptionality, and this way the student will not feel singled out by me assigning him additional

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