Walt Disney Research Paper

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The wonderful world of Disney can capture the hearts of people of all ages, from young toddlers to elderly seniors. Every year Disney makes over a million dollars due countless and countless of guests visiting the theme park. Friends and families all come together and visit the Magic Kingdom with such infatuation because the happiness and magic all around. People may wonder who or what is behind the success of the “Happiest Place on Earth”. The success of Disneyland would not be successful without the works from the public relation, marketing, and advertising team. The magic of Disney all started from a man named Walt Disney. Disney started his career at a young age, in his biography Walt before Disney: Disney Early Year’s 1919-1928 written by Timothy Susanin, Disney recalled. “I was 18 years old when I started on my career” (Susanin, 2011, p.3). At the age of 18 Disney already started his career in advertising. From advertising Disney had other jobs such as being a paramedic driver for the Red Cross in France and working as a banker. Though deep inside …show more content…

Not that many people know what PR is all about, they mostly have the idea that it can be similar to advertising and marketing. With public relations there are different career fields that people can work for, from working with media to working for the government. According to Jensen J. Zhao of Public Relations: Encyclopedia of Business and Finance, “public relations (PR) is a profession that includes the functions of communication, community relations, crisis management, customer’s relations, etc.” or in shorter terms, “public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt manually to each other” (Zhao, 2007, p. 624). Public relations is important when it comes to a company trying to make a name for themselves. While building up his theme park Walt Disney turned to ABC broadcasting station for PR work to be

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