Walt Disney Research Paper

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Today, the name Walt Disney is so closely intertwined with the medium of animation that, according to The World History of Animation, ‘many people are surprised to hear that he didn’t invent animation.’ (reference) While it is true that Walt Disney did not invent the art of animation, his company Walt Disney Studios is undoubtedly of the greatest pioneers in animation history revolutionising the techniques and practices of the form since early works such as Steamboat Willie (date) and Snow White and the seven dwarves (date). This essay aims to explore and discuss all factors that have been instrumental in the continuing mainstream success of Disney, such as its early days, obstacles and successes, and Walt Disney’s constant push for advancement and innovation within the field and accepted procedures. It will then go on to examine how the marketing techniques and commercial expertise was able to promote the films financial success and audience attachment. Lastly It will look at the business model of the company and what strategies are used to operate sustainably. Certainly Walt Disney Studios is a company whose monumental advances and success likens it to a God in terms of animation. …show more content…

It was Disney who first effectuated the use of music and sound in cooperation with animation. Steamboat Willie (date), an early Disney cartoon short, and the debut of the iconic character Micky Mouse, was the first cartoon that convincingly used a soundtrack and dialogue to emphasise the actions and events taking place. (reference) The short was widely popular and showed the power of music in relation to a film’s structure and visual rhythm ( reference), and prompting Disney to continue to release his projects with original and fitting

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