Walkout By Jean Anyon: Movie Analysis

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In the world there is different systems that make some more privilege and others unprivileged. There is many factors that can lead you to have more privileges that others,for example the white, wealthy, educated, older, able bodied and heterosuxual male is most likelly be the one in power in a movie. From the different readings we have read in class I thought it was interesting how different schools teach the children of different social classes differently, Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work by Jean Anyon. In the movie Walkout the students realize the unfairness of the education they were getting. The privileges that other young adults were getting were being denied to the Mexican American students in Los Angeles.They requested …show more content…

In the article Does the Negro need Separate Schools? By W. E. Burghardt Du Bois he talks about how even if black people work hard then cannot accomplish many things in their lives and do not get the recognition they deserve. “segregation is forced upon them by dominant white public opinion, they will suddenly lose interest and scarcely raise a finger to see that the resultant Negro schools get a fair share of the public funds so as to have adequate equipment and housing” this words can explain why schools where there is a big population of students of color there's a hidden curriculum that is making this young people not succeed in their lives because the teacher do not support them because the majority of the school have white teachers and they might not know the experiences this young people have to go through to be able to be at school. Students spend one third of their day in school and if the school do not have the resources to make the students feel welcome at the school facilities there's a problem that the majority of public education

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