W. Tozer's Relationship With The Father And The Lord Jesus

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How to get your prayers answered?

James 4:3 “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.” What’s the right reason or motive for prayer? Jesus says, in John 14:13 “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” Man's highest aim should be to bring glory to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Question: What would happen if we started praying, prayers for God’s glory and not self- fulfillment?

I. THE MOTIVE OF JESUS’ LIFE WAS HIS CONCERN FOR THE GLORY OF GOD A. We see it illustrated in His own relationship with the Father

See John 12:27-28 Jesus foretells his betrayal by Judas. He commands His disciples to love each other: John 13:31-32 Christ prays to the father to glorify him. John 17:1
B. We see it illustrated in His teaching

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Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy (New York: HarperCollins, 1961), 1.
See Jesus’ teaching in John. 14:13

Notice how concern for the glory of God was modeled in prayers by
Elijah in 1 Kings 18:36-37.
David in Psalm 37:4.
Asaph in Psalm 79:9.

What is our usual motive when we pray? Is it revealed in James 4:3.
The right and only motive for answered prayer is concern for the glory of God.

No matter what we pray for, God’s glory should be our highest motive.


1. Praying with concern for God’s glory as our motive will sometimes be difficult to do sincerely.

2. Praying with concern for God’s glory as our motive is a reality when we’re willing for God to withhold the answer if that would bring Him more glory.

3. Praying with concern for God’s glory as our motive is just as valid in praying for ordinary, little things as in praying for big things. 4. Praying with concern for God’s glory as our motive gives us words to pray when we do not know God’s will in a matter.

5. Praying with concern for God’s glory as our motive will bring more peace and rest into our

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