Volleyball Research Papers

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Volleyball is a hard sport and the way it works is even harder to explain. Volleyball is a two team sport, and each team consists of at least six players per team. The teams are separated by a net in the middle of the court. The point of the game is to score the ball within the boundaries and rules set. There are many rules in volleyball which makes playing the game that much harder. A volleyball court is approximately thirty feet wide and sixty feet long. In volleyball you cannot go under the net, touch the net, step over the line when serving, or carry the ball (lift with open palm).There are also certain things you cannot wear, no metal hair ties, no metal in wraps, no earrings, necklaces, bracelets, or bobby pins. In volleyball you have to wear knee pads to protect your knees when you dive for a ball, knee pads are extremely important, and wearing them is a rule. You have to rotate in volleyball after each point is scored. For example if the wildcats serve and miss the other team rotates a server, then the next time they miss a point the wildcats rotate a server. It is very important that you keep rotation because it can cause you to lose …show more content…

In 1895, William G. Morgan invented the game of volleyball. In 1949, the men's first World Championships were held, and in 1952 the women's first World Championships were held. In 1964 volleyball was first introduced as and Olympic sport. Most volleyball players jump an average of three hundred times a match. Volleyball has taken some of its characteristics from tennis and handball. In 1930 the first two-man beach game was played. Mintonette was the first name for the sport, until it was later changed to volleyball. In 1900 the first special designed ball was created. Volleyball is the second most popular sport, soccer is the first. In Kingston, North Carolina the longest volleyball game was recorded. It took seventy-five hours and thirty

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