Visual Rhetoric Reflection: A Picture Of A Dark Classroom

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Visual Rhetoric Reflection I chose the picture for multiple reasons. For example, I liked how the dark classroom contrasted with the bright light from the window. Also, I thought that the window and the sunlight worked well to present a clear message. Continuing, I thought that the treeline and the cloudless, blue sky was aesthetically pleasing. Lastly, I felt that, as my audience being students, the intended viewers would be able to connect to the picture. In my picture, I tried to encapture all three rhetorical appeals, namely ethos, pathos, and logos. For ethos, I wanted the audience to realize that, as a student myself, (as well as the author), I truly know what I’m talking about. As for pathos, my main appeal, I hoped the audience would feel both happy and hopeful. For example, the audience should have felt optimistic about the opportunities outside of school, and happy about the promise of new experiences after high school. Finally, with logos, I wished for the audience to realize that my argument was rational. My reasoning was that there are opportunities outside of school, which is true; there are multiple activities people can do after school, some of which you can join as arely as 14. …show more content…

The image, a picture of a dark school classroom with a sliver of bright, yellow sunlight piercing the coldness of the room showed the class that there are many better opportunities outside of school which can lead to a brighter future. Although many students related it back to school, most took on a more pessimistic view of the picture. They focused more on the despair and feeling of hopelessness that the darkness provoked rather than the optimism created from the stream of sunlight coming through. Also, most viewers only linked the image to pathos, and was unfortunately ignorant towards the other rhetorical

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