Visual Analysis of “The Garden of Eden”

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For anyone who wants to analyze an unconventional piece of artwork for a visual analysis essay all they need to do is type in the words bizarre artwork into the Google search engine and choose the first piece of artwork that causes them to pause and take a second look. When they find the artwork that interests them in both content and message they should then click on a button that says view website and that will take them to the original website that featured the artwork that they choose to write about. At this website they might find that their artwork is part of a collection that frequent visitors of the site put together so that they could display the most bizarre artwork that they have come across without fear of being judged by other people for their unconventional taste in art. They might also discover that the website is very similar to another popular website that is called but the website where they found their topic for their essay is called and both sites feature a multitude of unconventional art that is aimed toward the viewer that wants to think outside of the box. Even though the choosing of such a bizarre piece of artwork may cause the writer of the essay to analyze their choose incessantly by doing so they might discover that because of the mysterious nature that is often associated with such a piece they do not have any restrictions when it comes to analyzing a piece of artwork. Because the artwork is like that they can conclude without doubt that the central message of this bizarre piece of artwork is that even though the Garden of Eden is considered to be an extremely beautiful, holy, and peaceful oasis and it was certainly created for that specific purpose, becau... ... middle of paper ... ...mutant’s feet are enormous, and pale white with dark black and grey toes which resemble an eagles sharp talons in appearance. While much of this is dark, the pose that the mutant creatures are placed in with the man supporting the woman’s back may represent to a casual observer a woman’s natural place as a helper to her mate. Also the placement of the man above the woman’s head may assert the dominance that the creator has given to a man in relation to the woman’s station in the world and also the respect a man should receive from his wife without question. The relaxed and loving expressions on both the man and woman’s face may say to the viewer of the artwork that they both know and understand their respective stations in life and are comfortable with both the station that the creator has placed them and what their position in life entails.

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