Letting Your Kids Go

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Letting Your Kids Go

When is it time to let go of your children? When is it time to let them find themselves? Are they ready for the world? Are you ready to let them go when their first day of school rolls around? Are you ready to let them experience what the world is about? Are you ready to let them grow up? Needless to say, these questions haunt parents of every child. But is it always safe to be over protective?

In the movie “Finding Nemo,” an over protective father shelters his child, Nemo, due to a traumatizing experience he encountered when Nemo was just a baby. Being so over protective makes Nemo retaliate against his father. “Nemo you’re going to get stuck out there and I am going to have to go rescue you, you can’t swim well, now get back here this instant!” (Finding Nemo, 2003). By going against hit father’s word, Nemo is then captured by a fisherman who takes him to an aquarium to live. Being an over protective parent is always over bearing to the child. Not letting them experience certain things because of how bad the world is today makes them upset, and in time they will go against you and defy your parenting skills. Parents breathing down their teen’s back every second only makes them resent you more. In the article “Letting Your Child Go -- To Preschool, That Is” parents are having trouble with the big transition of their child attending pre-school for the first time. They are given helpful advice on what steps the parents need to take while searching for the right preschool for their child. The first step is to interview the teacher, and sit in on some of the classes to ensure that your child is in the best hands. Doing this much research on what pre-school to send your child to is a huge ...

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.... But they don’t realize that in the long run their kids will begin to resent them for loving them to much. Parents have to realize that the world has always been hazardous (Karen Diamond, Sept. 1998). I feel that if you express to your child how you feel about them on a day to day basis and let them explore what they need to, they will realize that their parents care. Sheltering them from the world will only make them retaliate. Keep them close, but cut some slack on that leash.

Works Cited:

Andrew Stanton (Director). (2003). Finding Nemo {Motion Picture}.

United States: Pixar Animation Studios.

Karen Diamond (Sept. 1998). Letting Your Child Go -- To Preschool, That Is.

Purdue News. Retrieved February 3, 2004, from http://www.purdue.edu/UNS/html4ever/9709.Diamond.preschool.html

Abidno, R. (1996). Early Childhood Parenting Skills.


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