Victor Athletics Swot Analysis

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Victor Athletics’ many strengths stem from their organizational culture and mission implemented and originating from their owners. By following their core beliefs and implementing them in their everyday business operations, Victor creates a company image that is itself, a strength. The benefit is positive (and free) publicity they get from word of mouth, news/web articles or social media when people hear of a sportswear company doing things like giving 5% of their after-tax profit back to the factories to be invested in their workers as well as using entirely organic materials to make their products. In addition to realizing America once made 80% of its clothes in the US; today, that number is down to 2%. By choosing to do business with smaller, more sustainable American manufacturers, Victor is helping to change a vicious trend, (“About…). In addition to the positive company image, a strength of Victor is their determined and visionary leaders in management and ownership positions. …show more content…

We can trace the materials in all of our products back to the organic farmers who grew the cotton here in the United States. That is a dream come true for us. We work closely with our textile manufacturer. He directly gathers the raw materials and oversees the knitting process. Then, our sweatshirts are cut and sewn in the same factory that makes Noble’s jeans. It’s almost an entirely vertically integrated system, which gives us unprecedented transparency in our product,” (Bennett). Owners that all share the same passion for the core values that Victor Athletics represent is a huge strength in an industry known for out-sourcing, child labor and money hungry CEO’s. Yet, with these strengths and the courage to stand by their way of doing business, Victor Athletics inevitably inherits a fair share of

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