Veteran Heroes Research Paper

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THE VETERANS HAVE ARRIVED ABOUT 2,000 U.S. VETERANS VOLUNTEER FOR OPERATION ‘HUMAN SHIELD’. A fter intense planning and talks, the military veterans have finally arrived in North Dakota. They marched in formation as they entered the camp, amidst celebratory whoops and the NODAPL cry ‘Mni Wiconi (Water Is Life)!’ Their Mission? Protect the Water Protectors from questionable tactics deployed by the Morton County Sheriff’s Department (MCSD), Dakota Access, L.L.C (DAPL) outsourced security, and other Law Enforcement Officers that have been sent there upon request of the state governor. They will be what separates the Water Protectors from the Authorities; they are there for the people. At first the protest, which is based on non-violence and prayer ideology, were not met with much resistance by local and federal authority. That is until they realized it was not simply going away and, in fact, began to rapidly grow bigger, despite limited media coverage. …show more content…

Many of which caused concern for the Water Protectors’ well-being. One such statement that the Army Corps of Engineers were planning to close the camps and create a ‘free speech zone. “Yeah, good luck with that,” Michael A. Wood Jr., a founder of the veterans’ event, said in an interview when asked his thoughts on it. Even with the positive news that there is a halt and rerouting called for the pipeline, the veterans are settling in for a long stay. They believe the fight is not over until any presence of the DAPL workers and security, as well the law enforcement authorities, are gone and all the roads are opened back up to the public. Importantly, that the water is safe. FOUR-DAY SCHOOL

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