Veganism Benefits

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“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” Veganism is a very touchy subject, that very many people disagree with, and many people just dismiss as a diet “fad”. It is not at all a fad, it is a revolution. Veganism is important because of the health benefits, the environment, and the cruelty that the animals go through.
Two years ago, I came across a Youtube video called, If Slaughterhouses had glass walls, and it changed how I look at the food industry ever since. The video truly shows the cruelty that animals go through in slaughterhouses, and how it is everything but “cruelty-free”. Every 2 in 3 farm animals in the world are now factory farmed. Cows typically can live for twenty years, but usually killed halfway through their life for meat. On top of that, since they have to be pregnant to lactate, they are raped to continue lactating and giving milk to us. This causes many diseases and discomfort. Immediately when the calves are born, they are taken away from their mother, and they never see them again. Also, the …show more content…

I think of my interest in communicating the importance of Veganism as more than just an interest. It is something that could change the planet, the animal’s lives, and the people’s lives around me. It is so important to understand the importance of your actions. Everyone has a voice, and if you do not stand up for what you believe in, then there is no point. In the documentary we watched earlier this year, Malala said, “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world”. This is the reason I am interested in educating people about the topic. This is the reason why Veganism is my interest. “A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral” —Leo

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