Various Types of Stress, Especially for College Students

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The American Institute of Stress defines the term stress as that non-specific response of the body to any demand for change. Stress can also be defined as what a person experiences when they feel like they have too much on their plates or they don’t how to handle changes in positive way.

High levels of stress can be broken down into different types of stress that could impact a student’s academic performance. Academic stress is one of many types of stress that impact college student’s academic performance in a negative way. The International Journal Humanities and Social Science defines academic stress as a combination of academic-related demands that exceed adaptive resources available to an individual. In other words, a student could be stressed about upcoming exams, difficulty of classes, and poor communication with their teacher. There could several other academic related demands that could stress a student out and impact their academic performance.

Family stress is another type of stress that could impact a student’s performance. The Clemson Extension defines family stress as a real or imagined imbalance between the demands on the family and the family’s ability to meet those demands. Family stress could cause academic stress because a college student who is worried about their family could also be worried about their academics which could lead to stress and their performance being low.

Financial stress is another type of stress that could negatively impact student’s academic performance as well because financial strain could cause a lot of issues by itself. The University of Florida Extension defines financial stress as a condition that occurs whenever income is less than desired outgo. If a student is worried about ho...

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Students with internet access at home can also be impacted negatively. A study was conducted about the dangers of college students on social media and the reasons on why social media could be dangerous for a college student include loneliness and stress. The study results state if a college student stress level is high then the use of technology would increase it. The study also stated one-quarter of participants who were disrupted by technology when studying or attending class had their grades negatively impacted. College students use the internet in a positive way and some abuse in a negative way that could impact their performance.

If a student is more focused on how many likes they got for their status than hearing important information their teacher is telling them then their grades and performance are going to be a result of their lost focus.

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