Van Gogh's Bed By Jane Flanders

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In the poem “Van Gogh’s Bed” by Jane Flanders, the features of the work of art that she focuses on is the bedroom as a whole. When Flanders describes the room, she focuses on relating Van Gogh’s Bed to the actual person living in the room. One thing that is noticeable is that she uses one word to describe part of the room, but then explains why she chose that word. For an example, she uses the word “orange,” then right after it, it expresses her view of Van Gogh’s Bed room. Another aspect that Flanders focuses on in the art work is what is around in the room to help with her poem. She sees that there is a window and makes an analogy with it “is empty, morning light pours in like wine, melody, fragrance, the memory of happiness” (Stanza 12). Flanders tends to ignore little things around the room, like the pictures on the wall or the table with items on it. She also ignore the color of the room. …show more content…

Part of Flanders shows emotion with the room because when she wrote “is orange, like Cinderella’s coach, like the sun when he looked it straight in the eye” (Stanza 1), expresses that she sees this room in a way like the Cinderella’s story. Cinderella is lonely and is only contained to her room, where as Flanders makes that relevance to Van Gogh’s Bed. Flanders also shows analogy with each stanza she writes, by relating it to what appears in the bedroom. For an example, she talks about the bed “is narrow, he sleeps alone, tossing between two pillows, while it carried him bumpily to the ball” (Stanza 5), and again refers it to Cinderella, that Cinderella went to a ball but that the person in this painting is dreaming of going to a ball to get out of being stuck in the bedroom. When Flanders explains stanza 8, she sheds some like that it is not only about the room but the person living in the

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